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Let's put your current business on the map; launch that idea you've only dreamed about into the marketplace. It's time to overcome your fears and guilt so you can find fulfillment in a dream that can change you and your family for the better.
Forget the typical fluff-heavy female business advice. There's no time for that when you're chasing down a dream(and possibly a couple of kids at the same time). Ready or not, you're about to change the game.
"Lindsay Teague Moreno is a no-fluff, no-fear leader for entrepreneurs. This book is the perfect guide to starting a business and fulfilling your dreams."
"If I ever need someone to kick my butt, supercharge my creativity, or call me out on something silly I'm doing in my business, Lindsay is who I reach out to. Get ready. You're about to meet one of my favorite business leaders ever. And if you do even 10 percent of what this book suggests, things are about to grow for your business in the best possible way."
"Boss Up! should be mandatory reading for every female entrepreneur. It's what you wish your girlfriend had told you about what it takes and what to expect as a mom, wife, and badass business owner. Lindsay's relatable humor will have you laughing while you lap up invaluable lessons on mind-set and strategy and the skills you need to kill in business without guilt."